
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Learning to Love Again

I bet you think this is going to be some sappy love story blog, don't you?  Well, it won't be sappy, but it is going to be a love story.

As I was in the throes of the pain of a nasty tummy ache and horrendous heartburn this morning from the particularly stupid binge eating episode I engaged in last night, the little light in my brain sputtered and flickered a bit before blazing into full light.  You see, I suffer from self-sabotage (amongst other things, like short term memory loss, a touch of insanity, intermittent insomnia and a terminal case of sarcasm). Several years ago I realized I had become something that I did not like, mentally, emotionally, and especially physically.  I have been working to change that ever since, but I have stalled out on the physical change.  I am going to blog the rest of the journey and will be happy to have the company of anyone that would like to come along.

I have a story to tell of bad men, bad decisions, abuse, the emotional and physical toll taken and rising from the ashes.  Maybe the telling of it will only help me complete my journey, but it is my hope that someone out there may find a bit of comfort in knowing that they are not alone, that they are not helpless to make a change. Perhaps we can  learn something together =)

This is a story about learning to love myself again.